The orchestra
of shareholders.
Client: Nationalbank AG
Event: General meeting
Location: Philharmonie Essen
Size: 1200 Persons
NATIONAL-BANK is one of Germany's leading regional banks for discerning private and corporate customers as well as medium-sized institutional investors. Founded in Berlin in 1921, the bank has been based in Essen since 1922. The annual general meeting of the unlisted bank, which takes place in the beginning of May, involves a great deal of logistical effort. All shareholders have to be checked in and out; the transmission of the General Meeting to all rooms of the Philharmonie Essen and the sophisticated presentation technology are only a small part of the tasks that FACE2FACECOM. has perfected since 2010.

We designed a setting in corporate design for the National Bank: access and deregistration counters and stage design should look like a unified whole. Especially in set construction on stage, there are many static calculations, all associated with the VStättV(O) and the internal regulations of the Philharmonie Essen. An overall technical concept for the front and back office, especially required for general meetings, was also developed by FACE2FACECOM., as was the planning of the necessary media technology for sound reinforcement, lighting and video. For a sensitive event such as a general meeting, a security concept including personnel is necessary. FACE2FACECOM. employees on site oversee everything for the entire duration of the event.